Shops, stockists and events


UK - Purchase through our website

UK & USA Purchase through our Etsy shop -


Madhouse Tattoo -  Unit 60, The Maltings, Roydon Rd, Stanstead Abbotts, Ware SG12 8HG

Handmade at the Barn - The Barn, Old North Road, Kneesworth, Royston, Herts   SG8 5JL

2024 events

2 - 3 March - UK Tattoo Fest - Marshall Arena, MKdons Stadium, Stadium Way, Bletchley, Milton Keynes  MK1 1ST 

4th  May - Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival Bazaar - Todmorden College, 44 Burnley Rd, Todmorden OL14 7BX

7-9 May - Alive & V Dubbin - Haughley Park Haughley, Stowmarket IP14 3JY

28 - 30 June - National Hotrod & Custom Show - Lincolnshire Showground, Lincoln, LN2 2NA

5 - 7 July - Dragstalgia - Santa Pod Raceway, Airfield Rd, Wellingborough NN29 7XA

19 - 21  July - Hot Rod Rumble - The Camp, Ramsey, Huntingdon PE26 2XB

26 - 28 July - Beetle Juiced - Jimmy's Farm, Pannington Hall Ln, Wherstead, Ipswich IP9 2AR

1 - 4  August - NSRA Supernationals - Old Warden Park, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 9DT

16  - 18  August- Viva Skegvegas - Revesby Country Park, Lincolnshire PE22 7NU

23 - 26  August - Hot Rod Hop - Scald End Farm, Mill Rd, Bedford MK44 2DP

6 - 8  September - Kustom Kulture Blast Off - Slates Farm,  Lincolnshire, LN8 2AW

27th October - Peculiar Market - The Howard Centre, WGC, Herts

30th November - Peculiar Market - The Howard Centre, WGC, Herts